Dr. SSBUICET, Panjab University, Chandigarh was included in TEQIP-II Project in the second phase in June 2013. It was considered as well performing institute (of total 58 selected all over India) by the World Bank and was thus selected for TEQIP-III. After a competitive bidding, National Project Implementation Unit (NPIU) (Nodal agency for Implementation of World Bank Assisted Projects in Technical Education, MHRD, Government of India) selected Dr. SSBUICET to mentor Dibrugarh Institute of Engineering and Technology (Duicet), Dibrugarh, Assam. The evaluation was based on Institutional Development Plan (IDP). The key areas of mentorship include knowledge transfer, exchange of experience, optimizing the use of resources and developing long-term strategic partnerships.

The TEQIP-III project was awarded to Dr. SSBUICET in October 2017 for 3 years with an allocation of Rs. 7 crores under the sub component 1.3 (twinning arrangements).

The Project Deliverables include:
a. Increase in the average score of students participating in tests designed to measure technical and critical thinking skills
b. Increase in percentage points of NBA accredited Undergraduate programs and Post-graduate programs
c. Increase in Transition rate of undergraduate engineering students from the first year to second year
d. Percentage of students from traditionally disadvantaged groups in total enrolment in participating institutions
 i. SC/ST
 ii. Women
e. Direct project beneficiaries
 i. Total number
 ii. Female beneficiaries
f. Increase in percentage of PhD students in total enrolment in engineering disciplines
g. Percentage of sanctioned faculty positions in participating institutions filled by regular or contract faculty, contracted as per AICTE norms
h. Number of Faculty Trained in either their subject domain, pedagogy or management
i. Percentage of externally funded research and development projects and consultancies in total revenue
j. Student, Staff and Faculty Satisfaction Survey
k. Improved employer satisfaction with engineers recruited in the past year
l. Board of Governors or Institution/ Department Management Committee meets at least 3 times every calendar and publicly discloses the minutes of all meetings